Germany Germany Pronunciation

Often used fragrance notes

Parfumo knows 154 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 7.0 of 10 on average. 7767 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
With the invention of the original Eau de Cologne by the Piedmontese Johann Maria Farina in 1709, a fashion and a desire developed.
An aqua mirabilis (miracle water) in the style of this eau de cologne, especially when combined with the name "Farina", was almost a guarantee of financial success. According to Mülhens company legend, a Carthusian monk (allegedly named Farina) made a recipe for such an Aqua Mirabilis as a wedding gift to the Cologne merchant Wilhelm Mülhens on October 8, 1792. Wilhelm Mülhens then opened a manufactory for his Eau de Cologne in Glockengasse - the origin of the Mülhens family business.

With the French occupation, Cologne was renumbered. The parent company in Glockengasse was given the number 4711, hence the name.
In 1810, Napoleon issued a decree requiring the disclosure of all recipes for remedies to be used internally. Until then, Mülhens' Eau de Cologne was sold as a remedy for internal and external use. This changed with the decree: to avoid disclosure of the recipe, the Eau de Cologne was declared to be for external use only. The Rosoli bottles originally used were reserved for medicinal products. In 1820, a bottle successor was found in the form of the Molanus bottle.
Ferdinand Mülhens registered the world-famous number "4711" as a trademark in 1875. The use of the name "Farina" was finally prohibited by the Royal High Court of Cologne in 1881. Until then, the family had repeatedly used tricks and detours to justify the use of the name.

After the First World War, the company's portfolio was supplemented by the fragrances Tosca and Sir.
The Second World War destroyed the headquarters in Glockengasse and the manufacturing facilities. Within a short period of time, the company was rebuilt and achieved international renown within ten years. The main building in Glockengasse was not completely rebuilt until 1964.
Via Wella AG, Muelhens KG became part of the Procter & Gamble group, which in 2006 divested itself of the 4711 brand, which was brought up by Mäurer & Wirtz. 
In order to become attractive to younger customers, a new interpretation of the Eau de Cologne called Nouveau Cologne was released in 2011.
Content by FrieMoFrieMo

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