Comptoir Sud Pacifique

France France since 1974

Often used fragrance notes

Parfumo knows 83 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 6.5 of 10 on average. 2715 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
In the case of Comptoir Sud Pacifique, the noun really is omen: the Parisian perfume brand has been creating an olfactory island feeling with South Seas romance and exotic sensory delights since 1974. After a trip of their own and full of enthusiasm for the experienced rich, sweet and sunny smells, the founders (who publicly take a back seat to the brand name and remain anonymous) decided to give a fragrance answer to longing and wanderlust for palm trees, magnificent flowers, tropical fruits, white beaches and dark blue-green sea.

The paradise of Comptoir Sud-Pacifique fragrances is composed of seven basic directions, for each of which a perfume line has been developed: Les Vanillées (vanilla), les Boisées (woody), les Fleuries (floral), les Fruitées (fruity), les Epicées (spicy), les Cocos (coconut) and les Eaux Fraîches (fresh).

The goal of turning South Pacific vacation dreams into fragrance succeeds, without simple fatuousness or cheaply pleasing impression: the fragrances are of high quality composition and composed according to all the rules of the craft, surprising with quality, richness and durability.
Content by LouceLouce

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