Oriza L. Legrand

France France since 1720

Perfumers & Creative Guidance

Perfumes launched per year

Often used fragrance notes

Parfumo knows 46 perfumes of this brand.
Perfumes of this brand have been rated 7.5 of 10 on average. 2532 perfume ratings have been submitted so far.
Interesting Facts
When a perfume house has been in business since 1720, it's usually for good reasons. This is the case of "Oriza L. Legrand", in addition to a wealth of experience and centuries of olfactory creations with the finest ingredients.

The founder of "Oriza L. Legrand" was the perfumer Fargeon Aîné (often referred to as Elder Fargeon). He was a pharmacist and chemist but experimented with recipes for fine cosmetics, which he said he received from famous courtesan Ninon de Lenclos. This gave Aîné access to the French court and led to the foundation of his legendary label. And since Aîné used a lot of oryza (rice) in powder form in the laboratory, he chose this name.

Over the years, "Oriza L. Legrand" had new and creative owners, expanded to new locations, and contributed many recipes, processes, and patents to the label. By the end of the 1930s, the company had suddenly disappeared from the market. It wasn't until 2012 that "Oriza L. Legrand" unexpectedly reappeared thanks to Franck Belaiche.

The palette of fragrances from the house of "Oriza L. Legrand'' ranges from luxurious perfumes (all in very noble flacons) to room fragrances (room sprays, candles, etc.) to high-quality skin and body care. These include, for example, precious scented soaps (in historical packaging), lip balms, eyes, hands, and face (for different skin types) as well as various bath salts (in small porcelain bottles). In addition, the label also sells refill packs for almost all products to focus on sustainability.
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