Outstanding spicy-but-sweet fiery and resinous scent
Malbrum Parfums Wildfire is one of the two entries from this house that I was most taken with when smelling the house’s offerings at Perfumology, and a well-contrived burning/spicy scent with sweet and slightly resinous tones that make it a bit less sharp and intense than some other scents in that same category, despite perhaps the most deliberately incendiary name. The full note listing seems worth laying out in this case, given the variety: black and pink pepper, peppermint, cloves, pimento, nutmeg, incense, costus, amber, patchouli, and vanilla. I didn’t know much about costus but reading an article about it, it’s said to add a raw animalic vibe, and there’s vaguely some of that in this fragrance, but it’s mainly a spicy, semi-burning, semi-sweet, resinous mix that’s really well-blended and not too extreme, a fun but sophisticated achievement, and probably a little more accessible than my other favorite of the house, Psychotrope.
It's extrait concentration and performs well, with standard pricing for the line being $135 for 30ml, sold via boutiques like Perfumology and MaxAroma. I think it’s a reasonable value given the quality and performance, and I frankly prefer smaller-bottle options even if the cost per ml is slightly higher.
8 out of 10
It's extrait concentration and performs well, with standard pricing for the line being $135 for 30ml, sold via boutiques like Perfumology and MaxAroma. I think it’s a reasonable value given the quality and performance, and I frankly prefer smaller-bottle options even if the cost per ml is slightly higher.
8 out of 10