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Some thoughts about cats and dogs

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10 years ago
Very Happy Loved it!

This one is an oldie but a goodie. The random goat is a nice touch.

My movers!

hero kitty 10 years ago
I know this went viral, so everyone's seen it, but I just want to reiterate: Cats are BAD ASS!!
Re: hero kitty 10 years ago
I know this went viral, so everyone's seen it, but I just want to reiterate: Cats are BAD ASS!!

a message which can never be too often repeated!

Very Happy
10 years ago
Yes, shera.

This video should also serve as a lesson to young kids: Be nice to the cat!
Louis saves his dog's life 10 years ago
more death and heartbreak exported from China 10 years ago
This time in the form of jerky treats for dogs.

Please spread the word: we must feed our pets NOTHING FROM CHINA.

I'm so sick of this shit.
10 years ago
10 years ago

10 years ago
10 years ago
Hello all! I currently have 5 cats (there are pictures of a few of them on my page). I have been a big cat lover ever since I can remember and rescued all of mine from the local shelter. I would rescue more if I could, but am currently lacking both living space and finances to afford expanding my cat family. Anyways, I really love all of my kitties. They bring joy and happiness to my life. <3 It is nice to meet fellow animal lovers. Very Happy
10 years ago
10 years ago
I don't get it. Shocked
10 years ago
It's supposed to be funny. The expression on the cat's face when she realizes she just saw a balloon is priceless.
10 years ago
Yet, your accompanying emoticon, Tnahowru, nailed it. Very Happy

10 years ago

This is one of my favorites! HIlarious!!
10 years ago
10 years ago
Paw on the cookie, that's a good one!

It reminds me of my cat last night when she sat behind an opaque curtain, so could only feel her toy as I dragged it back and forth, and had so much fun reaching out to grab it over and over again! All I could see was her little paws coming from under the curtain!
10 years ago
I adore those cat paws! Claws extended and all.
10 years ago
TLC, feline style 10 years ago

Head butts rule!
Oh! You lucky ducks! 10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
I saw some of those on etsy, Cryptic. Just adorable!
9 years ago
I'm in love with that funny little cross breed dog, too.

Poor pug with the potato pagoda. You can tell he/she isn't into this game.
9 years ago
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