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Knee-slapper Thread

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10 years ago
LaughingLaughing Right ..

10 years ago
I swore off blind-buys too, Cryptic. Oh fiddle dee dee, I just can't think about that right now.
10 years ago
Ladies, please join me for a drink.

10 years ago
Happy to oblige, Cryptic.

10 years ago
Tequila would hit the spot right now. Maybe later. Idea How about a burger?
10 years ago
Tequila would hit the spot right now. Maybe later. Idea How about a burger?

Ahhahahaha! My boyfriend back in the 80's went suddenly veggie under my influence and his dad would disdainfully ask if he were having another "grass sandwich" for lunch. In bf's defense, in addition to alfalfa sprouts there was also avocado and cucumber on it. One of many reasons I became persona nongrata to that old man. He did not approve of me. Laughing
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
Tequila would hit the spot right now. Maybe later. Idea How about a burger?

Hahaha too funny
10 years ago
A face from the past! Great to see you, chica.
10 years ago

Hey good to see you too...This is how today is going.
10 years ago
Here's a cheering thought:

10 years ago
Good one! Laughing
9 years ago
Not really that funny but I love the mean Victorian lady wagging her finger.

9 years ago
9 years ago
Very Happy Funny, I didn't read all of them.
9 years ago
Too long-winded? Here's something direct and to the point:

Nobody here but us chickens!!
9 years ago
Direct indeed. Laughing
9 years ago
How often do you come across art humor? Very Happy age-proposals-western-art-history/

Those are great! "Can you F'ing believe this guy?" What a great facial expression.

Many of these do illustrate, however, the sad, unromantic way women acquired husbands for much of human history, except for about the last 150 years or so.
9 years ago
There is a duh factor here. (Never come between a cat and a sunny window, duh.)
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
Too funny. I have to admit I do something similar. Wink
9 years ago
Shocked I'll be sure to avoid getting on your bad side, Tee. The worst thing I've ever done to Mr. Cryptic's toiletries was to shave my legs with his razor without bothering to change the blade afterward.
9 years ago
I doubt if you could ever get on my bad side.

And what he doesn't know won't hurt him. CoolWink
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