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Abstinence - I miss my smellz

Abstinence - I miss my smellz 9 years ago
I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant with my third kid, and I haven't been able to bear wearing perfume for almost two weeks. It was giving me really bad headaches and even my light scents were overpowering with my new hyper sensitive sense of smell. Sad I miss my smellz.
9 years ago
Hold out, Briarthorn! If your body sends you such signals, you should not ignore them!
All the best for the time ahead!
9 years ago
Congratulations; I hope you have a smooth run through.
9 years ago
Thanks for the encouragement and well wishes :Smile
9 years ago
This upset may not remain for the whole nine months. Hopefully it is a passing stage and you can go back to your normal self enjoying your vast array of perfumes. The little baby/embryo/fetus has something to say now and you should heed his/her little voice ... like Apicius said above.

Best wishes, young mom. Enjoy.
9 years ago
Good Reminder Pipette, I believe with both my previous pregnancies I was able to wear perfume again at around 12-15 weeks.
9 years ago
Preggers, eh? No worries. What scent can compare to the wonder you'll hold in your arms in a few months? Congratulations.
9 years ago
9 years ago
Congrats, Briarthorn!

This makes me think of a moment on Modern Family when Claire is holding baby Joe, inhaling his scent, and tells Jay, "That's the stuff."
Re: I miss Perfume 9 years ago
I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant with my third kid, and I haven't been able to bear wearing perfume for almost two weeks. It was giving me really bad headaches and even my light scents were overpowering with my new hyper sensitive sense of smell. Sad I miss my smellz.

How about something very subtle, like a natural oil AND, if you applied it to your back?

Since determining that most of my regular perfumes make my sinuses mad, I've been applying a small amount only to my back. All day long it sort of gently follows me around.

Also, I've found some very subtle, quality dupes sold by Face n Earth on amazon that don't bother me much at all. Also, Kuumba Made has some good ones, sold online and at Whole Foods.
9 years ago
Thank you for the suggestions Dulcemio. I have been wearing some of my natural oils more like you suggested. I have found my violet oil and my rose water to be comforting. Thankfully this week I've been able to wear a light spritz of my gentler scents. The general malaise of the first trimester is finally passing and I'm entering the more enjoyable second trimester. I think I'll be able to start reviewing scents again soon. Smile
9 years ago
I find ginger oil nice to relieve nausea.
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