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Jazz by YSL - a flee market find!

Jazz by YSL - a flee market find! 2 years ago 1

A glimpse back to the 80ies - a Jazz vinyl record as a promotional gift for the launch of the perfume Jazz.

I wonder who the first owner was, and on what occasion he had received this record.

2 years ago 1

How was the album?  I love the idea of sending music with a fragrance launch.

2 years ago

Some BigBand Jazz, some New Orleans Style, then Louis Armstrong and Billie Holliday. It is a nice present!

1 year ago 1

What a great find 😃

I would not know how to play it since I sold all my records and record player, but as a collectors item that is great!

Jazz by YSL - a flee market find! 1 year ago

Wow, nice find!

Is it with the music from the ad from the 80s?

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