Anyone else from France? Quelqu'un d'autre de France?

Anyone else from France? Quelqu'un d'autre de France? 0

Bonjour fellow Parfume friends,

Anyone else living in France? I’m mostly on the German Parfumo site, but would love to chat/discuss, meet others who live in France right now. My French is still not all that great, but in general good enough to chat about perfume. 

I’m living in the SW, in beautiful Bordeaux. 


Here !

I am from Lille, straight to the north.


From Brittany over here ! Rennes to be precise ☺️


In Rennes too ! 


French here, but living in Belgium, not far from Lille!


From Lorient in brittany, where there's no perfumes store🙁


Hello ! I'm also from Lille (northern France).


Not French but Québécoise, living in the Netherlands 😬

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