(I have I think, self esteem issues, probably autistic.)
I’m starting to worry that I am unsophisticated, have poor taste, not a good sense of smell, too picky…stuff like that.
Everytime I go to a store and test fragrances, I basically hate them all or at least, don’t like them. Most of them are extremely popular and loved by many (I guess?) since I like flowers, smelling flowers, wearing florals, I thought for sure I’d adore the many florals on the market but I don’t. They smell bad to me. Sometimes like urine, sometimes a weird warm note, screechy, smell cheap/weird.
Also, I feel weird that as a woman I love wearing lavender and always have. I used to have a lavender something from probably Yardley I would wear to bed. I have lavender body wash, soap, body powder. Maybe you get the picture lol. I was surprised to read lavender is considered masculine by some.
Maybe it’s my age, idk.