How to improve my homepage?

How to improve my homepage? 3

Hello everyone !

I noticed that some people had posted photos on their personal homepage as well as an additional photo below their avatar. I wish I knew how to do this because I just can't figure out how.

Thanks in advance !


Hi, the photo below your avatar is added through settings. In the first page that comes up ("My Data") there is a section called "Profile picture/Cover". You can choose the cover option and upload it there.

For posting photos, I haven't tried yet, but I believe if you click on your profile picture at the top of the screen, in the menu there's an option called "Photo Album". You can add personal photos from that page.

Edit: If you upload perfume photos (from the specific perfume's page), I believe those also show up on your profile, but there is a stricter set of rules.

Last edited by SilverLily on 02/04/2025 - 06:47 AM; edited 1 time in total

Thank you @SilverLily ! I'm gonna try this !


No problem, good luck (:


Wow learning more things on thus site, love it. I was able to do this on mobile. 


Great wall photo @Stardust23 !

So I figured out how to do it but I plan to take pretty photos of my perfumes and since I'm a little lazy, it's going to take longer than expected Smile

If I'm too lazy, I'll post another photo 😄

Thank you all !

Wow learning more things on thus site, love it. I was able to do this on mobile. 

Nice pic! How did you get it posted? I only get text options for posting to my wall and if I try to change the wall paper it ends up looking weird.

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