18.10.2022 - 03:07 PM

Retro Perfume, not as fresh as it sounds

When I first opened the cap of this bottle of Innisfree perfume, it smelled like brandy.

Is it the smell of “Ireland”?

If you associate the inside of a 70s pub, then sure.
It’s definitely a time capsule in a bottle.

It smells like if someone spilled brandy on a wooden table.
It dries down to a raisin-rich oatmeal cookie that’s been sitting in a hot tin lunch box all day.
Raisin, metallic, old wool sweater.
It’s also got what I call that “Avon smell.”

It’s a scent I can imagine a teen girl in the 70s would wear to a school dance.
It’s not a sophisticated scent.

It’s not bad, but it’s not necessarily something I would wear every day.

I would wear it on a cold day, while wearing a heavy wool coat. Then I would only wear one spritz on my wrists. Because a little goes a long way.