Community Rules
Last update: January 18, 2024
Parfumo is a place where everyone should feel welcome. As a member of the community you agree to abide by these rules and accept any decision of a community moderator.
Stay positive and be kind!
The use of language or other communication and / or content publishing deemed to be vulgar, hateful, threatening or insulting or which contains nudity or sexually explicit / pornographic material is not acceptable.
Discrimination in any form, including but not limited to race, ethnic origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability or impairment is not acceptable.
Action or support of any action deemed harassing or ostracizing, or solicitations of a sexual nature are not acceptable.
Publication of personal data
Publishing of names, email addresses, postal addresses, telephone numbers or other personal information is strictly prohibited. Parfumo will act in accordance with the relevant provisions of data protection law and cooperate with law enforcement as and when required to.
Spam / Advertising / Promotion
Publishing any kind of advertisement or other unsolicited materials (spam) is not acceptable.
Self-promotion and/or 3rd party promotion of any kind, including social media handles is not acceptable.
Self-promotion and/or 3rd party promotion of any kind, including social media handles is not acceptable.
Exception: It is permissible to publish special offers or vouchers from which the users of our community can profit.
Example: You get a 25% discount at Essenza-Nobile with the code 'ParfumoRocks'.
Example: You get a 25% discount at Essenza-Nobile with the code 'ParfumoRocks'.
You should only rate fragrances that you have actually tested. Misuse and manipulation are not acceptable.
User account
Each member of the community must be a unique individual with a single account. It is not acceptable to create or use multiple accounts. If you no longer wish to participate in Parfumo, you are welcome to deactivate / pause your account. If you choose to delete your account this action is final and you will not be able to create another account or log in again.
Failure to comply with the community rules will result in account deletion.
Deletion of a user account
The deletion of a user account and, as a result, access to the community is at the sole discretion of Parfumo and may have one or more of the following reasons:
- own request
- infraction of one or more of the Community Rules
- Unapproved new account creation
- infraction of one or more of the Community Rules
- Unapproved new account creation
Report violations
To report a violation of our Community Rules, please use this form.