Musk is Great

15.02.2023 - 02:33 AM

Musk Therapy Clone, But Not Really

This is a Middle Eastern brand that has tried to clone Initio's Musk Therapy. Initio Musk Therapy is clean, smooth, rich and has a vanillic quality which isn't listed and a good amount of fruitiness to it & you can smell the quality ingredients. Granted, Musk Is Great is 1/10 the price, so hoping that it's a good copy should be skewed to account for the price. Musk Is Great is way more floral, airy and has an animalic quality about it.

Presentation here is nice and you get a lot of Juice......but they don't smell alike, especially side by side but even on their own, I don't find them even in a similar category. So for all those hoping for a quality clone, look elsewhere. While this is a very nice fragrance in it's own right, especially for the price, they are not remotely close, as much as I wish it was.