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The value of re-gifting

The value of re-gifting 11 years ago
With Christmas approaching in the not-too-distant future, there are a few perfumes sitting in my supplies which would make gifts.

But first I have to try them - carefully - again on my own skin. The bottle should not look used, so just one or two sprays ought to be missing.

Perfume Oil - also careful. You don't want to gift an oil which has been used by yourself too many times, and then skin particles will make it spoil sooner.

Well, then, gather those "misfits for yourself" and plan for the recipients. I have great fun imagining their skin chemistry and the circumstances under which the gifts will be worn.

Wrap them prettily and attach a Christmas bow - and you're set.
11 years ago
I have gifted quite a few bottles to my mother for holidays and birthdays. Thankfully, she has worn and liked most of them and never commented on them being used. She's very happy with her little luxuries.
11 years ago
Awww, the first Holiday topic of the year! Sweet!

I find that perfumes decanted into cute decorative vessels make perfect stocking stuffers and party favors.
I'm going to get a bunch of colorful roll-on vials and decant away come December. The only trick is to know the general direction in which everyone's fragrance preferences lean, but that's easy: I'm the Master Perfume Spy.
11 years ago
Those colorful decant bottles are adorable. Generally, decants look like opaque or clear plastic containers.

Fill these with something exquisite - and you are set - for Christmas or Birthday, really any occasion.
11 years ago
It's also nice if you're crafty and can make something like a pair of earrings, etc., to attach to the little decants. Jewelry and fragrance together make a really nice gift for some folks.
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