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A rookie here... could anyone interpret a chart for me?

A rookie here... could anyone interpret a chart for me? 1 month ago

I'm looking at the AUDIENCE chart.

It states the following information. Youthful 17% , Mature 24%, Feminine 12%, Masculine 47%.

How does one interpret this when you are dealing with two different qualities? Trying to get my head around the terms used and why they are together,

For example I can see a graph for Youthful,Mature and as well as a chart for Feminine and Masculine.

Maybe I'm just being oblique today.🙂

1 month ago 3

If you hover over a section of the pie chart it will tell you how many individual votes that classification received, so you can compare the two qualities separately that way. The percentages are of course just the proportions of the total votes corresponding to the pie chart, which can get wonky when someone rates a fragrance as masculine, for example, but doesn't leave a rating for youthful vs mature. 

As for why they aren't just separate pie charts, I do not know. I had the same question when I made my account here. But there isn't any special significance to interpreting the percentages beyond that. 

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