We don't sell perfume.
Please do not contact us, if you want to buy perfume.

About us

Notes according to german legal provisions (§ 5 TMG):

Parfumo Community
Albert-Schweitzer-Straße 9
09648 Mittweida<

Contact and Owner

Christoph Polatzky
Phone: +49 (0) 3727 97 999 35
Email: [email protected]

Responsible for the content according to german legal provisions (§ 55 Abs. 2 RStV):

Parfumo Community
Albert-Schweitzer-Straße 9
09648 Mittweida


Liability for Content

The contents of our pages are made with most possible care. However, we reserve the right not to be responsible for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the content. In accordance with § 7, chapter 1 TMG, and according to general law, we are responsible for our own contents of these pages. As per §§8 to 10 TMG, we, as service provider, are not, however, obliged to monitor third party information transmitted or stored, or to investigate circumstances indicating unlawful activity. Responsibility for the removal or blocking of the use of information under general legal provisions is unaffected. Liability in this respect is only possible as of the point of becoming aware of a specific infringement of the law. On becoming aware of corresponding legal infringements, we shall immediately remove these contents.

Liability for links

Our offer includes links to external sites of third parties the contents of which we cannot influence. Therefore, we can also not assume any liability for this external content The respective provider or licensee is solely responsible for the content of the linked pages. The linked sites have been proved for potential infringement at the date they have been linked. Illegal contents were not recognizable at the time of the linking. A permanent control of the contents of the linked sites, however, without concrete evidence of a violation of the law, is not reasonable. If we become aware of a legal violation we will remove the contents in question immediately.


Contents and works on these sites, provided by the site operator, are subject to the German copyright. Copying, editing, distributing and any type of use outside of the boundaries of the copyright law require the written agreement of the respective author or producer. Downloads and copies of these sites is only allowed for private, non-commercial use. As far as the content of this page was not created by the operator of this website, the third party copyrights are respected. In particular the content owned by third parties is credited as such. Nevertheless, if you should become aware of a copyright violation we request that you notify us accordingly. If we become aware of a legal violation we will remove the contents in question immediately.

Data protection

The use of our website is usually possible without providing personal information. As far as our sites raise person-related data (for instance name, address or email-addresses), this is done as much as possible on a voluntary basis. No personal data will be forwarded to any third parties without your expressed consent.

We draw your attention to the fact that data transmission over the internet (e.g. when communicating by email) may involve gaps in security. It is not possible to fully protect data from being accessed by third parties.

The use of the published contact data within the framework of the imprint regulations by third parties for sending non-requested advertising material and information is hereby explicitly prohibited. The page operators expressly reserve the right to take legal action against any party who sends unsolicited advertising information, including, but not limited, to spam emails.

Icons made by Nikita Golubev and Freepik from
Source: Disclaimer by eRecht24, portal for Internet Law, Rechtsanwalt Sören Siebert. Translation: Parfumo