Supremacy in Oud 2021

07.12.2021 - 08:42 AM
Very helpful Review

just buy it

i have both OFG and this one. To me afnan is the more refined and smooth version of OFG because that one -to my nose- is a little rough on the edges but afnan is absolutely gorgeous .. creamy and smooth.. one would think this is the original and OFG is the clone!!
In the air they are hard to distinguish .. ofg is sweeter and more sugary .. this one is a little darker and I actually prefer the scent ..! But I'd say they're about 85% similar and you wouldn't need both..!
As for performance, I actually don't get beast mode on ofg .. it's really long lasting but doesn't project that much .. but afnan is a true beast and fills the house .. I havent gave it a full wear and can't say much about longevity but I doubt it last as long as ofg because that one is parfum and this is EDP. Btw I prefer it this way .. I like my fragrance to project and make a statement.. I'll compare the longevity in next days and will update this post but as up now I really love it and prefer it to the original even if they were priced the same (btw ofg is much fancier in term of presentation though afnan is no slouch either)

P.S: I also have supremacy not only intense .. that one I wouldn't say an exact clone of aventus .. they're pretty different. But in oud is really close to OFG maybe some notes are amplified on this one but generally you can call it a clone

Update: today I've worn SIO and OFG on each hand .. it's been 16hrs and both are still present and to my surprise, SIO is still going stronger I even asked my coworker if he could distinguish the expensive from the cheap and he guessed wrong and said this one (SIO) is both stronger and better smelling