Cali Blue 2011

04.09.2015 - 11:46 PM

dollar store deodorizer

I hadn't heard of this scent before, but decants of it were on sale at Surrender to Chance, and I was already ordering some other decants. I like citrus and lavender in the summertime, and I hoped that the blueness of the juice was just a fun color that didn't indicate a particularly synthetic scent.

Alas, I don't think any citruses, nor a sprig of lavender, nor any type of flower has been near this scent. To call it a "generic vat juice" would be unfair to better versions of "generic vat juice." You know the little cardboard air fresheners, usually in the shape of a pine tree, that you can buy at the counter of the cheapest stores? I would rather rub one of those on myself than wear this scent again. After about 20 minutes, I gave up and scrubbed it off with generous dollops of vanilla salt scrub.

Sometimes, there's a reason why one hasn't heard of a particular scent....