Black Flower Mexican Vanilla 2014

31.03.2017 - 10:06 AM

Way to go

Dame Perfumery never ceases to enchant. There is something to be said in this day and cynical age about small handmade perfume companies and their service. Small touches DO make a big difference and when the perfumes are affordable and damn right beautiful, you naturally become a fan and supporter.

Dame perfumes are not amateurish: they all show a great deal of sophistication and craft. For me, the best part is that they do tend to last and project a great deal on my skin, and that with my skin being a notorious scent-eater. Not only that, my sense of smell is not the best so I usually over-spray everything but no need with Dame. His Mexican Vanilla is probably the best all-around vanilla perfume I have ever smelled. I have been on a long vanilla journey for years and have smelled hundreds of vanillas but this simple bottle provides an edible, well-rounded, slightly sweet and barely flowery vanilla that just lasts and lasts. I spray my sheets with it, I spray myself, I spray the car, etc etc. It is just such a magical perfume, creamy yet not overwhelming, that I believe it is my top vanilla ever.

Important too is that this small brand is local and developed an artistic vision and aesthetic that can compete with hundreds of stuck-up perfumeries that make one percent of what this house can make in terms of quality. Jeff's father being the artist is pretty awesome. I love the dry, deserty themes of the art. That art, as well as some of the perfumes, have a Native American spirit that really draws me in. I look forward to many new perfumes to come from this excellent brand.