12.04.2015 - 09:51 PM

Salty Desert Masterpiece

Durango for me is the standout in this Cosmologie Collection. Even that the approach is the same of the others, something more modern and concise in its evolution, the use of materials barely explored mixed with typical masculine perfume bases crated an unique impression for me in my testing experience so far. Durango represents a desert environment, exploring the earth and salt elements in a rendering that could also be seens as earth and air or even earth, salt and air. Durango in my opinion is amazing and it's a proof ot the technical knowledge and perfumers creativity. To see that the vetiver, sandalwood and (what i suppose to be) cashmere could together have and arid and salty side and perfectly complete it in a desert environment is a great idea.Durang brings behind it's woody and masculine aroma a very intersting use of spices, that suggest airy incense cool touches, at the same time it shows a desert made of a resilient and still vibrant life, with the amazing creosote leaves that come from a plant capable of resist two non-stop years without water and still keep its sap, combinade to a green floral exuberance of the cacturs flower. Everythings seems to gravitate around a greend, salty, desert harmony, with an airy hot touch which is not muffled tough. As it starts to develope, this gives space to a creamy, woody and confortable base, a beautiful one that starts with a bitter, silky and wet cashmeran impression (or of something that i suppose it gives me this impression), to a more earthy vetiver touch to at least ends in a creamy sandalwood embrace.