Night Flower 2016

07.07.2017 - 10:39 AM
Helpful Review

Scent memoty of a reckless youth–and I'm still here (;

I was 18, he was my first love, he's no longer of this earth, and Night Flower was an instant scent memory of a heedless youth I somehow got through. There's something a little barbershoppy about it, not so much unisex as an intermingling of masculine and feminine. I catch a bit of lavender(he used Yardely English Lavender Soap), even though it is not listed in the notes. That's just one part of the scent memory. Oh, the hell, I'll just say it, Night Flower smells like a weekend in bed. It is powerful and tenacious; I make do with two dabs, one to each wrist, then the wrist to the opposite elbow crook. Any closer to my nose and I wouldn't be able to think straight.