Orange Blossom 2003 Cologne

19.10.2013 - 08:37 PM

Very pretty

I first sampled this a year ago. I was pleasantly surprised but not "wowed". It seemed a bit simplistic to me so I kept looking in vain for a better orange blossom scent.

Today I finally bought a bottle. It is VERY pretty. I find it refreshingly uncomplicated and easy to wear. I'd like to think that this smell suits me. It's not angry, aggressive or offensive. It's gentle, elegant and honest. These are attributes that I value. I want to be approachable. I want to be kind. I want to smell like orange blossoms.

When I don't know what to wear- I will reach for this. I'm not one who feels comfortable leaving a trial of scent in my wake. Orange Blossom lasts a long time on my skin but doesn't project far. I don't know why I waited so long for a full bottle.