Rose Millésimée 2017

30.07.2022 - 06:02 PM

A Rose by any other name or some shit

I wasn't sure what to expect when I first got this because jovoy has a pretty excellent reputation within the community, and well deserved I might add. so I noticed that your voice prices on quite a few fragrances dropped precipitously and that's when I chose strike see I've been looking at Rose millisieme for about a good year now but could never find it discounted.
anywho fuck all that dumb shit let's talk about the juice shall we? first Spritz you get hit with an atomic bomb of acrid, sharp rose. it's hachibat level explosive but instead of bergamot slash pineapple it's rose. I'm not going to lie I was really really scared that I was about to come in for a major fucking disappointment, and disappointed I was...
for about half an hour. after the 30-minute Mark or so, the explosion dies down a fair bit while still retaining an impressive projection. and the acrid and sharpness of the opening is no longer there, they Rose is still full in effect but then the candied apple comes through and that's when you hit nirvana.

the first time you wear it your nose is so overloaded with the blast radius of the rose that it takes you a while to notice when the candied apple comes in, as for me I noticed it about 4 hours in.; second time you wear it the opening is still loud but nowhere near as harsh and you notice the candy apple right away you take a nice big whiff of your sprayed area and all I can imagine is he rose being sucked up to a UFO that is my nostril, but it is holding hands with the candied apple which is sort of lagging behind but still ever present.
and that's pretty much what you get for the entirety of the fragrance well at least on my skin. and I must say that I enjoy its semi complexity; it isn't as complex as something as T-Rex from zoologist or accento overdose from xerjoff, nor is it as linear as something like Prada l'homme or Apollonia. it changes once and maybe twice on the very back end of the dry down but essentially you just get a big big afternoon experience of candied apple and rose .
as far as performance goes, you really get your bang for your buck here. not only does IT project fairly strongly for about 4 hours, but at last a really long time as I get anywhere from 10 to 12 hours on this in the highest heats of New York City summer. but when I mean that it is powerful I do not take it lightly; I recently went to a friend of mine home and I sat on her couch for only 40 minutes before I left and three days later she still smells it on her throw pillows.
great release, great take on a rose scent, and longevity and projection you definitely get what you pay for and then some.