L'Immensité 2018

26.04.2021 - 09:08 AM
Helpful Review

The Vast Mediterranean

Extremely underrated cologne solely due to its resemblance to basic blue scents yet this could not be further from the truth.
While it is not the most complex / challenging scent nor is it fully packed with natural compounds (which scent is nowadays), it is an attention grabbing crowd pleaser. It smells well blended and of high quality synthetic compounds, a bit harsh at the first spray but the edges round off a little in a few minutes.

My best description of it (which I am surprised not more have picked up on): think YSL Kouros’ musky amber, slightly cleaner and with a much much better blend of citrus and aromatic components.
A fruity sour grapefruit opening mixed with a spicy aromatic aquatic feeling, all resting on a very prominent salty musk-ambergris (ambroxan). The ambergris sort of resembles the one found in Profumi del Forte’s Ambra Mediterranea: salty wet and warm. This scent evokes the feelings of relaxing on a boat on a humid summer day in the Mediterranean, you’re in the middle of the sea at sundown with a warm wind blowing off the surface of the water, filling your lungs with the sea’s essence.

People, especially women, will notice you in the air and they love it from my experience, it’s clean sharp smelling but with a musky dirty touch that gives it an edge over a basic woody aromatic/ chypre like BdC or Aventus. On skin it lasts the whole day, projects for a couple of hours quite strongly (probably even longer since we all underestimate ambroxan’s sillage power). On clothes it lasts days.
It is an expensive purchase but this is one of the few fragrances I have actually repurchased (refilled at half price) coming from a maniac who has bought everything from basic blue scents to Rojas and Clive Christians.

I think it is an excellent fragrance for daily use, especially at night time in summer/autumn. I discovered it on my friend 2.5 years ago on a high heat evening in summer while I stepped in his car; one of the few fragrances that I asked someone “what is that? it smells f****ng amazing” and bought the bottle a few days later. For me to give a compliment, the scent must be something I hadn’t sampled in over 300 perfumes I have tried and it must be at the level of some heavyweight champions.
Highly recommend it. At least sample it.
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