L'Homme Intense 2017

26.04.2020 - 06:22 AM
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Ingenious - but where is the leather?

Ingenious - but where's the leather!

Much has already been written about Prada's "L`Homme" and his more powerful partner "Intense" and again and again we hear about a "leather note" in this context.

So it is not surprising that I also expected the same leather note when I first "tasted" the Intense version.

Let's make it short: Obviously there is something wrong with my nose, because I am not able to sniff anything that reminds me even remotely of leather or its derivatives. If you feel the same way as I do (all the others too, of course) please let me know in the comments and contribute to my salvation :-)

To the fragrance: First of all - I love him! As a prelude, my nose first perceives the well-known and wonderfully pure and noble iris note, which in this form is apparently only available from Prada. However, it is by all means less bold than in the "normal" version of Prada L`Homme. The transparent freshness and the accompanying citrus chord recede somewhat, although they remain latently present. The fragrance is denser and more compressed, richer and more distinctive.

Nevertheless, a solid basic freshness remains throughout, so that I can imagine "L'Homme Intense" in any case also in spring and on warm summer evenings. The autumn should also be a good time to wear it. In winter, it is certainly very well conceivable indoors - e.g. in the office - since the Intense version should not scare anyone away for my taste if dosed appropriately. Whereby exceptions are known to confirm the rule.

In the further course of the fragrance, a pleasant sweetness is added from the background, which at no time overtaxes or harasses the wearer and his environment. The basic freshness remains, while a spicy sweetness gains space.

Now a note is gradually emerging whose description causes me the most headaches and seems to be the one that is generally interpreted as a leather note. After a lot of back and forth, I have decided to describe it as follows: I perceive spicy maple syrup with a shot of cola! Please do not be irritated by the noun "syrup". Syrupy sweet is by no means the scent! If you have ever eaten maple syrup, please think of the sweetness as far away as possible and concentrate on the aromatic-spicy flavour of this brew. Now add the sparkling and again fresh-sweet-spicy scent of a well-chilled cola
This Maple-Cola note combined with the base note explained above gives me "Prada L`Homme Intense". Of course, I am aware that it is only possible to express scent impressions verbally to a very limited extent, but I hope that one or the other can identify with the description - or perhaps see it completely, completely differently.