Quorum 1982 Eau de Toilette

20.01.2024 - 08:21 AM

Dank hotel

At $9.99AUD for a stylish 30ml bottle evoking the 80s origins of this, I felt like the risk was low since I am a lover of green woody aromatic scents. I admit my hopes were unreasonable given the price, as I had read reviews implying this is on par with vintage versions of more luxuriously priced woody mens fragrances, and perhaps that made me expect to smell something you would never guess was found in the section of the pharmacy that is not behind glass. To me this smells like an old style 3 star hotel, decorated and scented to please tired businessmen, with a faint cigarette smoke that will never come out of the thick curtains. Comparisons to detective films check out, this is very hard-boiled, down to the shady-part-of-town PI office with affordable rent and comically bad neighbours, but alongside a dry understanding of the world and the nature of things, and an appreciation of one or two finer things - perhaps a bottle of Laphroaig quarter cask (the smokiest and peatiest available) in the bottom drawer. Unforgiving, competitive, deep dark and very very dry, a frag for a man who hasn't shed a sober tear in 35 years. The name feels almost cheeky, like it's saying 'quorum of one, you can make all your decisions for yourself'.

I would wear this to outdoor evening events in winter, like a bonfire or casual party. Somewhere that I would smoke if I hadn't quit, and where the dry and stern smoky wood of this fragrance will give me the steadfastness I need to maintain the streak.

Will give it another go, as it's possible the first spray out the nozzle of a fresh bottle isn't a fair reflection. I used 2 sprays, and scrubbed one arm after 15 minutes as the initial artificial smell was just too overpowering at that time, but this has led to a much faster fade than other people experience, and I would consider it imperceptible two hours later. Perhaps this will get more use from me than I think. I will update this review if it surprises me.

EDIT/UPDATE: Tried it again today, spritzed from much further away from my arm to aerate a touch, and for a split second I got excited thinking it was showing me it's true self, dry barky log in the woods, beyond which a lone iris is protected by ferns in a single ray of sun pierced through the thick canopy above. But as soon as it hit my skin I was faced with dark dirty old motel with stale cigarette smoke leeching out of second hand but not really vintage wooden furniture, carpet that used to be a different colour but I couldn't tell you which colour that was, and an inspirational poster of a forest on the wall behind dirty glass. It has stayed that way. My conclusion is that the problem is how it sits on my skin rather than the fragrance itself. Therefore, I have a 30ml bottle (absent 4 sprays) free to a good home in Melbourne, Australia