R.V. homme

22.01.2012 - 03:40 PM

What Makes a Scent Become a Fetish?

Without being a psychologist, I do presume that there are moments and situations in the very early years of human beings where environmental influences have a branding effect on the future life – even up to the point of later sexual preferences. Among all possible influences, I think also scents certainly play a role. And is it a coincidence that smoking comes to us as a sexual fetish from USA - where non-smoking campaigns are conducted with evangelical fervour?

Scents that one came across as a baby child need not transfer into a sexual fetish, but maybe one feels just a little bit at home with them. The smoke of tobacco in all its possible variants is not necessarily unpleasant to all people.

I have never experienced any perfumes that are so much addicted to smoking like those provided by Robbie VanGogh, and R.V.Homme may be the core of it! Whenever you find tobacco listed in the fragrance pyramids, it is very likely a vague appeal of fresh tobacco leaves that never stands in the front. The Robbie VanGogh tobacco – the leitmotif in his fragrances – is more about cigarette butts drowned in a plastic cup of leftover strong black coffee. (For me, a scent memory from student times!)

Unlike Hemp & Leather, the cigarette theme is not just background, it stands in the centre of R.V.Homme, backed by a patchouli drydown. It is like sniffing at nicotine stained fingers! The art in this perfume is the way that this rather ugly impressions are being transferred into something attractive and beautiful. Of course, getting to know these fragrances are a must for perfume addicts like us. R.V. Homme is uncompromisingly niche – not a crowdpleaser, but well worth sampling!

I am not a smoker, and I do not take a special delight in smelling cigarettes. I am one of those who frown whenever people come near who just had a weed. But with R.V. Homme the tobacco aura becomes truly attractive and sexy.

R.V.Homme stays close to the skin, so you will not disturb the non-smoking activists. But those who come near enough will ask you not about your perfume, but about the sort of cigarettes you smoke!