09.03.2019 - 08:41 AM
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The flywheel

Sometimes, if I'm honest: most of the time, after a working day, mr is plunging me into the depths of the sofa with 2 sprayers Eau de missions, together with Dr. Oe. (Pizza) and Inspector Columbo. For reasons of reason I don't do this, of course, but instead pack my sports bag bravely. I don't feel like leaving for five Pfennig, but now I have an ally: Gingembre!

Because this smell works like a flywheel for me. It serves only for my refreshment and revitalization of the senses, because this mood enhancer has hardly Slllage. Also the durability is very short, even for an eau fraiche. But enough to get me going on everything I need to get up for, perfect for the ride to the gym.

In the summer I like to use my Arden tea scent or the Rochas, but both I find very "cold". In winter it may be fresh for me, but with a touch of warmth and sweetness. Now Gingembre comes into play, because that's exactly the way he is. Fresh, but not only. Fresh and warm. The ginger does not bring the expected spiciness, but still some warmth. Of course there are other components, but I would have to press my nose onto my skin after an hour to get a glimpse of something.

Ginembre smells absolutely natural, by the way. Nothing stings, nothing disturbs, no artificial WC freshness. Although the scent is favourable, it does not smell cheap.

If I want a fresh and long-lasting fragrance that others can also perceive in me, then other newcomers come into play. But they're not marathon runners either, at least not mine.

Ginenbre works only in ultra short distance (100 m). There it is for me but the Usain Bold!