20.03.2022 - 12:08 AM
Helpful Review

Watching Waves in the Gloaming

On a family vacation in the islands many years ago, my dad bought 4 bottles of Royale cologne; one for him, one for me, and one for each of my two bothers. For my brothers, he got the Bay Rum (which I like), and for him and me, my dad bought Royale Lyme. When he gave it to me, he said that he had a bottle of the Lyme some years before, and loved it, and when he saw it in a shop, he knew I would love it too. He was right.

Fragrance, as many of you already know, does something for your mood. In my case, fragrances elicit a conditioned response, linking me to my earliest exposure to it. Such is my experience every time I splash on Royale Lyme, and I’m not shy with it.

Since that first bottle my father gave me as a teenager, I’ve purchased a dozen, or more. A bottle of it goes with me whenever I travel, especially on vacation, and weekend trips to the beach. My ideal situation for wearing Royale Lyme is at the end of a long day on the beach, or off-shore fishing, after showering the salt and sweat away, it gets applied liberally to by face, neck and chest. Clean t-shirt, crisp summer beverage, sitting on the deck, watching waves crash in the fading light of the gloaming.

I miss my Dad.