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Other fragrances by Sephora

Other perfumes of this brand
Do Not Drink - Eau Sucrée Salée Vanille + Fleur de Sel by Sephora Do Not Drink - Eau Aromatique Sauge + Tonka by Sephora Fleur de Coton / Cotton Flower by Sephora Disney Cinderella Collection - So This Is Love... by Sephora Do Not Drink - Eau Corsée Iris + Moka by Sephora Insoumise? Vanille Caramel by Sephora Brown by Sephora Fleur de Sephora - Orchid by Sephora Insouciante? Vanille Mangue by Sephora Disney Ariel Collection - Kiss the Girl by Sephora L'Eau Mauve Planant / L'Eau Cosmic Purple by Sephora Do Not Drink - Eau Épicée Jasmin + Baies Roses by Sephora

Smells similar

Classified as similar by the community
Aqua Allegoria Mandarine Basilic by Guerlain