Killian's Milk & Cookies
Andy Kaufman - Milk & Cookies

16.04.2023 - 03:57 AM

Great idea but the quality isn't there

I've never scrubbed a sample so fast. Just for that alone, it's kind of impressive!

This is unpolished and rough as guts. Feels like three essential oils were thrown into a shaker, stirred with a stick, and poured into a bottle. It smells like a $2 children's "chocolate cupcake" lipbalm was left in the sun, melted, and then went rancid. If a cookie smelt like this I'd want the baker shut down.

I had some high hopes for this one as I love gourmands but I just can't with it. Unfortunately it starts strong, stays strong, and clings to skin. Why is it always the awful ones that last forever?

Avoid this one, there are better gourmands elsewhere. If you must have "milk and cookies", layer some of the Demeters and make your own.

(After thinking on this for a while: perhaps the difference is cultural. USAmerican chocolate manufacturers (definitely Hershey's, likely others as well) put their chocolate through controlled lipolysis, which results in the presence of some butyric acid - which is also present in parmesan cheese, sour yogurt, and vomit. Most other places in the world don't process their chocolate this way, and I had the same instinctive "NO" reaction to nibbling on various types of USAmerican chocolate after a friend carried some home from a holiday. So it's possible that this does smell like a choc-chip cookie... it's just that I have a very different baseline of what that's supposed to smell like!)