M7 2002 Eau de Toilette

Version from 2002
04.07.2013 - 07:34 AM
Very helpful Review

Hello Fall!

This rare 2002 bird displays quite a strange cargo yet it defines color Sinopia, shade of red and brown. Named after the Turkish city it is a reddish-brown ochre-like earth color pigment, also used in traditional oil painting, in fresco or in secco. Sinopia was written in the 15th century in Florence, Italy and described as full of honeyed ambrosia yet lean and dry in character. It projects up well. For the more it is worked up, the finer it becomes. It is good for use in dry autumnal weather. Fresh even to start with, it quickly transforms to calm, serious and mature tune. Phenomenal use of medicinal agar as the side effect, with also prominent orange on top and myrrh and labdanum at its base. Intensely masculine, elegant and sensual. You will need to lit the fireplace, source hand rolled cigars Made in Cuba, and splash for a few bottles of an extra old cognac. Thanks to Morillas & Cavallier.