Bangla Yāsaman 2023

21.03.2024 - 11:05 PM

Osmanthus Golden Latte “Jasmine”

This is a very interesting “Jasmine”. It’s well composed, and I feel like more lovers of big stinky Jasmine should have it on their radar (I had never heard of it)

Sadly though I’m personally overwhelmed by the leathery osmanthus (This may just totally be a personal problem as although I actually like osmanthus and immortelle they both instantly dominate any composition I smell…even if they’re just hiding in there….note that I have sold most things I’ve owned with either of them over the years)

It’s more an osmanthus-curry-golden-latte served in a poorly tanned leather…drink-holder-something than a deconstructed jasmine to my nose/on my skin.

Sometimes I catch I little “jasmine” in the air though. Still very interesting and worth a sample!