27.03.2021 - 08:18 PM
Helpful Review
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I've got it all under control. A little insight into my Saturday. (Plus statement at the end)

Saturday. while for many people here now the weekend starts factually it is for me pretty much the (positive) "most stressful" day of the week. I'm a father of a one and a half year old daughter which just discovers the world and here currently leaves no stone unturned.

My wife works on Saturdays always "at the front" to keep the shop running with her colleagues / colleagues in the current situation around Corona, ergo it is called for me: Daddy-daughter day. This usually starts quite early, precisely because there is a lot for my daughter to discover.

7:00 o'clock - get up and directly under the shower with the battered body. Then brush your teeth, blow dry your hair and get into some comfortable clothes. The handle in the perfume cabinet much today (it was changeable weather at about 17 degrees announced) on Vert Supernova (in the further VS). Spray 3x and you instantly have this "I've got this covered" aura about you. I love fresh scents, that "out of the shower", that "refresh at the touch of a button". That's exactly what this scent here gives me as soon as it hits my skin. Child is still sleeping - everything is ok. It's a good thing, too, because at the beginning VS really packs a punch and clearly makes its presence felt. So quickly made a coffee, greeted the dog which also makes me directly clear that it could soon start with walking. Quick a look in the newspaper and then I hear already the demanding calls of my daughter which signal me that the day now really starts. A short smooch, a firm hug for the little devil and off to the morning routine. Washing, teeth brushing, dressing, milk roll in hand, cap on and off it goes together with dog in the field.
Stupidly, I have to run here a bit uphill which brings me thanks to the wonderful morning sun easily sweating. Light gust of wind and directly I get a touch of this green, spicy, somehow also slightly sweet scent in the nose of the me briefly with the thoughts can digress. Wonderful. I have this all super under control. Dog runs, plays, romps and my daughter watches quite happily and signals via indefinable babbling noises pleasure in the spectacle. Obligatory we run our round and return home.
Arrived there I make first breakfast. Muesli for the child, food for the dog, bread for Dad and a little fruit. Funny ... smells slightly of apple here, but we have not there. Aaaaaaahh ... I see. VS.
After breakfast, I take care of the household. Vacuuming, hanging laundry and always clean up the mess what the little bundle of energy spreads. The time runs. Already 11:30 o'clock. Slowly I have to prepare lunch. Completely lost track of time and again the VS (by now light spice or a bit of wood comes into play) unconsciously "hits" me and signals, "Don't stress, you're rocking it all here!" So I continue my work and prepare a quick lunch for the little robber. Quite unimpressed, this is also polished off and then I put Madame down for her nap. Fortunately this is a "laid down -> asleep" story and so I can settle down on my couch after I have switched on the baby phone. Due to an extended Discord round with the guys the night before with a few cool drinks, I also crack away pretty quickly and am awake again around 2:30pm by shrill singing transmitted through my daughter's aforementioned baby monitor.
Fresh diaper on, a "Quetschi" (you may know) in the hand and off to the nursery. Today is building wooden block tower on the program. Where we are just about it: Meanwhile wooden notes dominate, the GIT "vibe" is in the background and underpins very nicely. Afterwards we look at picture book, go out with the dog again (sky overcast, 16 degrees) and make a detour to grandma who buys me a coffee and a piece of cake and briefly entertains the grandchild. Somehow it smells a bit like vanilla around me by now. Just a touch. Gaaaaay light. Must be the VS. All good so far - a very nice day so far which I'm still very much in control of. Off home, it's just before 5pm - my wife is due to turn up any minute. Quickly check again to see if I've done the housekeeping properly so far. It seems so.
The door opens, my wife is off work, greets her rascals, pushes the groceries into my hand and goes with our daughter to the nursery. I prepare dinner so that we can eat together at 6 pm. Bread, cream cheese, a little cucumber cut open - let's go.
After that, my daughter says goodbye and is put to bed by mom. I lie down on the couch, open myself an after work beer and after the young lady falls asleep my wife joins me.
We turn on Netflix and look what's new. The choice falls on a documentary series in which we simply turn on the first episode. She is quite flat from the day, cuddles up to me and says "Oh... a nice scent you have there". "Smells a bit like shower gel with wood, but kind of sweet too - is there vanilla in it?" And "How much did that cost again!!!?" I press a kiss to her forehead, we watch our documentary and she falls asleep quite quickly next to, or rather so half on top of me.
I take a sip of my beer, imaginarily pat myself on the back, and quietly say to myself, "You did good today, kid!" VS still lightly surrounds me and seems to whisper, "You're welcome!"

At this point my recession ends, whether this was good or rather junk everyone must judge for themselves.
Nevertheless, I would like to briefly refer to the "DUA discussion" that is always burgeoning here in the community. If that does not interest - please HERE STOP READING.

You can think what you want about DUA...some are for it, some are against it. Business model or not. What DUA is doing is perfectly legitimate in my eyes. Why should I spend my money on fragrances which were reformulated over the years over and over again and are only a laughable shadow of the original fragrances? And for expensive money? So ... times measured alone on H/S?
LNdL or also my beloved CH Men as two examples mentioned. DUA understands it here simply to set the focus correctly and uses a market gap the large designer houses simply no longer serve. After all, no one forced the houses to "water down" their fragrances, which in turn somehow forces us consumers to look for alternatives. I don't understand the bashing here and find it a shame that the fragrances here are partly so disreputable. Craftsmanship were all my DUA's so far flawless - since many big players can cut off a slice nowadays.
What PARFUMO then pulls here now even more (no new DUA's more list etc.) is not comprehensible to me. Because on the other hand can be listed here nevertheless also 376 Aventus Dupes problem-free and be promoted by the users. Where is the clear line? At the end of the day, everyone is allowed to spend their money on whatever they want. I like DUA and stay with it.

Have a nice evening and above all: STAY HEALTHY!!!