DorothyGrace's Blog
10 days ago - 24.04.2024
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Down the Rabbit Hole

Down the Rabbit Hole of Arabian Perfumes I go.

Three new ones, Narjis (Al Haramain - purple urn), Yaluli (Swiss Arabian - purple flower), Twin Flower (Al Haramain - pink).  Apparently Twin Flower is the same perfume as Wardia although elsewhere I have seen them listed as different perfumes with different notes.

The two other perfumes in the photograph are Rawda (Rassasi - blue stone, bronze bottle) and 1001 Nights (Ajmal - gold urn).

Also on the table, the other love of my life - books on stumpwork embroidery.  Here is a link to the most beautiful beaded stumpwork music box with a music movement so beautiful it brings tears to my eyes.  So talented (the embroider and the people who tune the music movements).

Not very good photographs; I'll replace them if my son will do the honours for me.

The Narjis and Yaluli were instant pleasers, and my fondness grows each time I wear them.

The Twin Flower was instantly strange, with a raw soap that overwhelmed.  This one has taken a few applications to smell past the raw soap to perceive (well to my nose at any rate) a camphor like geranium with some orange and spice, and a cold laundry like musk.  There is a strange sweetness about it which doesn't seem to be coming from cup cake vanilla.  It makes the inside of my nose cold, like a crisp winter air.  I'm finding it very interesting.  Although I said elsewhere it reminds me of Saat Safa by Al Rehab, this is much less harsh to me.


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