KathrynA66's Blog
7 months ago - 08.10.2023
16 7

On Rating Fragrances

I think we all rate fragrances in a certain way, and for me, it's helpful to know how other folks rate fragrances. The following is my general method. 

SCENT:  In one sense, I try to be objective. If I dislike a fragrance, I know it does not follow others will dislike it too, and as such, I tend not to give very low scores unless I find the fragrance incredibly off-putting and have scrub it. I will also give fragrances I think are pure gimmicks, like the "smell like an elk, eating a cupcake at a gasoline station" kind of scents, low scores, but I very seldom test those.  If, however, I really like or love a scent, I will give it a high score. 

LONGEVITY:  Longevity ratings are almost purely based on how long the fragrance lasts from application to the point that it fades below a scent bubble. Obviously, the longer it lasts, the higher the score. I will, however, take into account the price because I don't really expect inexpensive fragrances to last a long time. If something costs between $10.00 and $35.00 and only lasts four hours, it will get a low-average or average score. If the fragrance is very expensive and only lasts four hours, it will get a low score. The same is true for anything marketed as an extrait but which performs more like an EdT.

SILLAGE: Sillage is rated solely on how far the scent projects and if there is a "trail" left behind you. I know some people like a great fragrance bomb; I do myself, sometimes, and other folks prefer more subdued fragrances, I tend to look at the numbers, not in a negative way, but as units of measure. The further the fragrance projects, the higher the number. I consider "average sillage" to be projection extending to the wrist, about 18"-20"/50cm.

BOTTLE:  A lot of fragrances I buy are just miniatures, travel sprays, etc. In those instances, unless I've had a chance to see and try a full bottle, I don't rate the bottle. On full bottles, my score is based on how pretty I find the bottle and how well the atomizer functions, in the order. I am a bit of a sucker for a pretty bottle! 

PRICE:  I usually rate on price because I find it an important factor to consider. I tend to think many fragrances are ridiculously expensive, and if I think the price is unjustified, I'll rate it as such.  

How do you all rate the fragrances here?  I'd love to learn the methodology of others.  I hope others are also interested in sharing.