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Old-time radio and tv shows - the nostalgic thread

Old-time radio and tv shows - the nostalgic thread 11 years ago
Hi Everyone !

Is there anybody out there who also loves old-time tv and radio broadcasts ?

My favourite ones are :

- CBS Radio Mystery Theater
- Dark Fantasy
- Lights Out
- Beyond Midnight
- The adventures of Sherlock Holmes
- Suspense

- Boris Karloff´s Thriller
- Twilight Zone
- Night Gallery
- Alfred Hitchcock Hour / Presents
- The outer limits
- Tales of tomorrow
- Demon Street 13

Times were different then. People did not have the variety of entertainment as we do today (and I think they were mentally less damaged than we are nowadays).
Radio plays were very popular in the 1930s - 1970s and then another era began with loads of new tv channels, video and marketing.

I am fascinated by the quality of these old shows, they never cease to amaze me anew. Even commercials were more charming back then - they miss the agressive hype which we, the consumers, are permanently exposed to today.

Yes, I am absolutely nostalgic and make no secret out of it Smile Although being a child from the "ABBA age" my soul feels at home treasuring "media antiques" which are much older than myself.

I am always looking for new things to discover and it would be nice to share some opinions here.
11 years ago
I get a lot of the old time radio mp3 files from over at the Internet Archive. I too love the "CBS Radio Mystery Theater"...haven't listed to all of them but I downloaded all seasons of it and play them as I have time.

Another show I like is "My Favorite Husband" with Lucille Ball and Richard Denning. It was the blueprint for "I Love Lucy" and many of the story lines were later used for the series.
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