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 Are perfumes toxic and bad for our health?

1 year ago 1

check out this video for an objective attempt to address your question.  

12 months ago 4

Walking out your door can be bad for your health. Don't sweat the small stuff when there is so many more things that are bad for your health, like smoking, drinking, drug taking, overeating, and being reckless. 

9 months ago

most ingredients are highly chemical - and are not beneficial to the respiratory  system or for the body for that matter.

These chemicals are absorbed into the skin, then into the blood & everywhere from there.

Nitromusks, for example (widely used in beauty products) are like a plague, you cannot get tid of them & new born babies are also infected by these chemicals.

The EU is doing a good job ban especially dangerous chemicals, but it is a slow process.

9 months ago 2

Definitely this can be true. On the other hand, I suffer from various neurological and mental illnesses (chronic hemiplegic migraine, ADD, MDD, GAD, SAD...) and those are very bad for my health, and perfumes help me to cope with my symptoms. So from two alternatives bad for my health I definitely choose perfumes to help me feel a lot better and relieve my extreme anxiety. For me perfumes can be a medicine really, so I'll just tolerate the side effects, hahah. 😁

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