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Having a hard time picking my SotD

Having a hard time picking my SotD 11 years ago
This used to happen to me once in a long long while, but now it's almost every day: I just can't seem to put my finger down and put something on already!

I'll open my "treasure chest", stare down into it forever, pick up and sniff bottle after bottle and find each and every one of them unsuitable (more like undesirable).

And I love all of them. I just don't know what to wear!

What the hell is wrong with me?
11 years ago
I get that way too. Flower Tag is the first full bottle perfume I have worn in a month. Sometimes you just need to get in a mood. Maybe you could go to the store and test something new. *enabling*
11 years ago
I agree it gets so overwhelming, the more I have decisions are harder.
11 years ago
Yes, I know that too. When I can't decide I usually end up with one of my all time favorites, i.e. "Chamade Homme". I can never go wrong with that fragrance.

Sometimes it helps if you commit yourself to a few days of the famous zero perfume diet. Wink

If you still can't decide there is always the Parfumo Assistant which will give you tips what to wear. The tips are calculated due to the data that the Parfumo users have provided. It is a great tool but I am not sure how many people have recognised its advantages yet. (Maybe a topic for a separate thread).
11 years ago
I suffer from this syndrome as well. Lately I have been trying to test a sample every evening before bed (when there are fewer distractions). If I love it, I will wear it the next day, if not, I add it to my giveaway pile.

If I don't find a sample that I love right away, I'll usually wear something familiar that I know and love.
11 years ago
Thanks to all you lovelies!
I feel better just reading your replies.
I guess I've become somewhat jaded heheh.

Would love to go to a store and just sniff my head off, like Hayven suggests, but the only two stores around are Sephora and something called Scent Library. The local Seph is terrible, there's nothing even remotely interesting there, just ditzy new releases and flankers. At the Scent Library they sell some niches, it's a brilliant little shop, and I never really thought anyone would dare to open such in Beijing, cause let's face it, China isn't exactly the place for perfumed free thinkers - in fact, my favorite of the two branches has already been closed down a mere week after I had found out it existed. Anyway, trouble with the Library is that it's very small, and I've gone there every week for the last couple months, so nothing's been left unsniffed by now, except for the Demeter line in which I'm just not interested. And I came away obsessed with "1889 Moulin Rouge", maybe that's what's keeping me from enjoying my possessions. I wonder if I'll be cured of the Fragrance Doldrums once I own that one?

Actually maybe I should visit the Chanel and Hermes boutiques downtown and knock myself out with Les Exlusives and Hermessences (sp?) I forgot they had those.

Do exuse my rambling Wink
11 years ago
Yeah, I use the Assistant almost all the time these days. Problem is, as much as I like it, I get the same feeling staring at the Assistant's suggestions, as I do staring at the actual bottles!
What to do, what to do????
11 years ago
You are thinking to hard / to much about it, pick up one and use. Wink
11 years ago
You are thinking to hard / to much about it, pick up one and use. Wink

You're probably right. Yesterday morning I just grabbed my Opium and doused myself in it, regardless. I felt happy whenever it wafted around me for the rest of the day.
11 years ago
LOL...I do this too. I stand and stare, and stand and stare, and then grab the bottle of Cool Water or Curve. Not because I particularly love either, but they smell good and are "safe."
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