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11 years ago
Mr. Hemingway concurred.
“Write drunk; edit sober.”
- Ernest Hemingway
11 years ago
"What fresh Hell is this?"

- Dorothy Parker
11 years ago
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. Steven Wright
11 years ago
“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large -- I contain multitudes.”
- Walt Whitman
11 years ago
"If you haven't grown up by the age of 50, you don't have to."

---my Brother-in-Law's coffee mug

This explains a LOT!
11 years ago
"If you haven't grown up by the age of 50, you don't have to."

---my Brother-in-Law's coffee mug

You might not have to but it will be to the chagrin of everyone around you, and many people just won't put up with you! LaughingLaughingLaughing

One of my now deceased relatives by marriage lived to a ripe old age and had been a very responsible husband, father, provider, homeowner, etc. and died with money in the bank, but MAN was he the most emotionally immature person I've ever met!! Insufferable!
11 years ago
"Middle age is when you are faced with two temptations and you choose the one that will get you home by nine o'clock."

Truth, that.

Shocked the next morning?
11 years ago
Visitors should behave in such a way that the host and hostess feel at home. ~J.S. Farynski
11 years ago
Dlane, yes! It's that "look at me, listen to me, laugh at me" thing that 3-year olds do. In a grown man it is SO annoying! Laughing Isn't it precisely people who don't understand what "being real" means who are always "on" ?

And saintliness is completely overrated. Wink
11 years ago
"Middle age is when you are faced with two temptations and you choose the one that will get you home by nine o'clock."

Truth, that.

When I think about dancing until 3am in my twenties it seems like that was a totally other person! Laughing
11 years ago
DANCE, v.i. To leap about to the sound of tittering music, preferably
with arms about your neighbor's wife or daughter. There are many
kinds of dances, but all those requiring the participation of the two
sexes have two characteristics in common: they are conspicuously
innocent, and warmly loved by the vicious.

EMOTION, n. A prostrating disease caused by a determination of the
heart to the head. It is sometimes accompanied by a copious discharge
of hydrated chloride of sodium from the eyes.
11 years ago
"When someone tries to hand me out a flyer, it's kind of like they're saying, 'Here, you throw this away.'"

--- Mitch Hedberg
11 years ago
"When someone tries to hand me out a flyer, it's kind of like they're saying, 'Here, you throw this away.'"

--- Mitch Hedberg

So true!
11 years ago
“The cure for anything is salt water - tears, sweat, or the sea.”
- Isak Dinesen, Seven Gothic Tales
11 years ago
“The cure for anything is salt water - tears, sweat, or the sea.”
- Isak Dinesen, Seven Gothic Tales

Oooh, I like that one!

I wish the sea weren't so damned polluted anymore.
11 years ago
"If there is a God, his plan is very similar to someone not having a plan."

---Eddie Izzard
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