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Should perfumes be stored in the fridge?

Should perfumes be stored in the fridge? 7 years ago
Many times in the souk I read 'always kept/stored cold', or in German, 'kühl gelagert'.

There are some misunderstandings about keeping your perfumes in the fridge. I've been reading a lot about how to store them and there are some important do's and don'ts, written by the Fragrance Foundation. After all, it is a premier resource for expert fragrance information. Here is what they have to say:

"It's important that you keep your fragrance protected against extreme cold or heat. Only colognes and toilet waters should be stored in the refrigerator. Perfumes should not be exposed to extreme cold or heat because either may upset their delicate balance. Notes can be affected by extreme temperatures."

So, if not the fridge, where should you store your fragrances?

Do store fragrances in cool, dry spaces away from sunlight:
- Cupboards
- Dresser drawers
- Dark closets

Don't store fragrances in:
- Bathrooms (generally moist and warm)
- Windowsills
- Direct sunlight grances-a-friend-of-the-fridge rly-store-your-fragrances erfume-/10000000177632556/g.html
7 years ago
Most of mine are in the original box stored in closet. Some displayed in a cabinet. Face creams in refrigerator.
7 years ago 1
Pertinent choice of subject, Parfummaniac. Not debating the importance of light, heat, humidity and (constant) temperature.
However, storing my perfumes I much rather put my trust in chemists who happen to also understand fragrance; usually a perfumer. To my knowledge, all advise against room temperature and recommendations range from 4°C up to 12°C. Ceteris paribus, whether that temperature is generated in a fridge or in a room/vault/you name it, I believe to be irrelevant.

The Osmothèque stores at 12°C = 53.6°F.
7 years ago
Thanks @Cincy and @ MiaTrost.
Yes, this issue is probably many times before discussed and I agree with you MiaTrost about "chemists who happen to also understand fragrance; usually a perfumer".

But , then again : even my vintage perfumes (some are over 30 years old) have never been stored below 15 degrees Celsius and still in perfect condition. But : I've bought the same vintage fragrances (which have been kept cold stored) and they are so much less/some would call it wasted after being sent to me.
This was the main reason why this topic was posted : be aware when you sell fragrances which are kept in the fridge (from which country and how long is the shipping-process) because during the shipping the temperature is constantly changing.
7 years ago
I've bought the same vintage fragrances (which have been kept cold stored) and they are so much less/some would call it wasted after being sent to me.

I'm sorry to hear that, Parfummaniac! That must have been heart breaking!
Just cool or plain cold may very likely be decisive when storing fragrance. I was never tempted to freeze any of mine.

For further personal accounts, please refer to the thread Do chilled perfumes turn scentless?
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