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How to store perfume oils to maximize shelf life?

How to store perfume oils to maximize shelf life? 1 year ago

There are lot of info about the usual alcohol based perfumes. However, I recently got into exploring perfume oils. Most websites say they last 1 year on average before going bad. On the other hand, I hear that people keep EDP and EDT perfumes for as long as 4-5 or even 10 years.  That's a very short shelf life of oils in comparison to EDP/EDT if you have any reasonable collection.

Is there any way to elongate the shelf life of perfume oils?

I'm ready to freeze it or refrigerate it or do anything it takes to preserve the collection.😀

1 year ago

First of all: do not refrigerate oils!

Secondly: I am assuming you are talking about Arabian type of perfumes, attars? Let it be known that attars keep for a very long time. In some countries it is tradition to give attars for big occasions like weddings and some attars are passed on from generation to generation.

Oud oil is matured for decades sometimes - just like wine or whisky, the older it gets, the more valuable and expensive it can be.

All this to say, if you apply a little care, your perfume oil will last you longer than any alcohol-based perfume. Same basic rules apply, like do not expose the vials or bottles to direct sunlight. Just keep vials and bottles hermetically closed, avoid extreme temperatures and sudden/important temperature changes; do not let the oil come into contact with anything else - if using a glass stem or applicator, do not touch it to your skin but let the oil drip off. You'll be fine 👍

Re: How to store perfume oils to maximize shelf life? 1 year ago

There are lot of info about the usual alcohol based perfumes. However, I recently got into exploring perfume oils. Most websites say they last 1 year on average before going bad. On the other hand, I hear that people keep EDP and EDT perfumes for as long as 4-5 or even 10 years.  That's a very short shelf life of oils in comparison to EDP/EDT if you have any reasonable collection.

Is there any way to elongate the shelf life of perfume oils?

I'm ready to freeze it or refrigerate it or do anything it takes to preserve the collection.😀

I think the best way to store perfumes is to store it in a bedroom shelf away from sunlight and let it macerate for 3 to 4 weeks first upon its purchase. It is tried and tested and definitely increases shelf life!

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