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Why do some HUGO fragrances come in 2 different bottles

Why do some HUGO fragrances come in 2 different bottles 12 months ago

I was wondering why some of the HUGO fragrances seems to come in 2 different bottles as shown in the photo both of those fragrances can come in either form.

The advertisement for the HUGO ICED was actually a photo of it in the flask style bottle that HUGO Just Different is in but you can also get HUGO Just Different in the urn style bottle that HUGO ICED is in.

Why though?

I don’t know why they use 2 different bottles for the exact same product in many cases.

Boss Bottled is different though as far as I am aware they come in the bottles in the 2nd photo of BOSS Bottled Unlimited

In the 3rd picture you can see 3 different bottles for Just Different.

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