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What new video games are you anticipating?

What new video games are you anticipating? 11 months ago

After the recent showcases what are some games you anticipate the most?

Mortal Kombat 1(yes it’s called 1lol). 

Hellblade 2 

Spiderman 2


There were others but I forget their names right now. 

11 months ago

Horizon Zero Dawn 3, since Lance Riddick is no longer around I wonder how they'll have to adapt the next game without Sylens.

11 months ago

Horizon Zero Dawn 3, since Lance Riddick is no longer around I wonder how they'll have to adapt the next game without Sylens.

I know, I couldn’t believe he passed away so young. He has been in so many great shows. The Wire, Fringe I loved his cameo in American Horror Story. It was great that they gave a part that was different from his usual type casting to play a Papa in Voodoo, he played it so amazingly. 

11 months ago

anything I was interested in was announced in the Nintendo Direct back in February, so that leaves Ghost Trick and Pikmin 4. and I guess, sort of, Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. 

11 months ago

I'm excited for several upcoming video games, and the ones you mentioned sound particularly interesting! Here are my thoughts:

Mortal Kombat 1 (even though it's called 1) - It's intriguing to see a new installment in the long-standing Mortal Kombat franchise. I'm curious to see how they refresh the gameplay and introduce new characters.

Hellblade 2 - The first Hellblade game was a unique and immersive experience, and I'm eager to see how the sequel expands upon its psychological storytelling and stunning visuals.

Spiderman 2 - As a fan of the first Spiderman game, I can't wait to swing back into action as the friendly neighborhood superhero. With improved mechanics and a compelling narrative, Spiderman 2 has the potential to be another thrilling adventure.

Fable - The Fable series has always been known for its whimsical and open-world gameplay. I'm excited to explore a new rendition of Albion, engage in captivating quests, and witness the impact of my choices in this highly anticipated reboot.

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