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Guess that scent. A game:

3651 - 3675 by 4531
10 years ago
"The Scent of Peace" perhaps?
10 years ago
"The Scent of Peace" perhaps?

That was my very first idea but then I thought, knowing SysD, that there might be something more. I bet you're right. I shouldn't overthink these things!
10 years ago
Nope. So far, "Ghost Fire" was closest, because of Triffid's association. Let me try another image:

10 years ago
"Pentecost" by CK Perfumes?
10 years ago
I did a heap of searches for Holy Spirit when I saw your first hint, couldn't find anything that really fit. I'll have to reword it and try again...
10 years ago
That's it, Triffid! I knew you'd get it!
And now you know you were on the right track, Scarletting.
10 years ago
I hope the following translates to American vocabulary and this guy's name has the same 'nudge-nudge, snicker' value as it does in the English colonies.

When scrolling through the brand list
Seeking clues for this next game,
I happened on a house that
Had a quite amusing name;

This must be from a porn star
Was my very first conclusion,
Not knowing U.S. football
Was the reason for confusion;

And when I saw the perfume
I was sure that made it clear,
The name suggests male groping
So it fit my first idea;

Then, with a bit of Google
His identity transpired,
Though I was wrong, I think that
My first guess was quite inspired!

10 years ago
Triffid, I confess to being stymied. Sadly, despite being American, I know absolutely nothing about American football.

I spotted a man's name on the list of fragrance houses, and for a moment, I thought "Andy Roddick" might be a good guess, especially if pronounced with a British accent --- but then I Googled and discovered that he's a tennis player.
10 years ago
Thank you for your persistence SystemeD!
The bloke in question is a retired NFL player who was a "wide receiver" (a term I also find amusing). His name begins with the letter R. It seems to be a first name that is not uncommom in the US but is unheard of over here. It's the sort of word that would be used in one of those saucy English "Carry On" movies and means "horny".
The perfume could be paraphrased as "clutch a male". hope this helps!
P.S. There is a well known pianist/singer/songwriter with the same first name. He is often lumped in the Warren Zevon category.
10 years ago
Well, I am truly shocked to discover a fragrance called "Grabman" by Randy Moss!
10 years ago
Indeed! I was so sure he was a porn star! I am always astounded and amused by these random entries by unknown sportspeople and minor celebrities. (You are correct of course).
There is a way of determining one's own porn name. You combine the name of your first pet with the name of the street where you grew up (in any order). By this method, I would be starring as 'Puss Patrick'. Not bad. Mr Triffid, unfortunately, has the less than stellar porn name of 'Tiny Duke' (good luck with that!).
10 years ago
Muffins Chester here. Oh dear.
On that note, I will be back with a new clue tomorrow!
10 years ago
Muffins Chester here. Oh dear.
On that note, I will be back with a new clue tomorrow!

I'd shorten it to Chester Muff! The classics amongst my friends are Sooty Hyman and Prince Balls-Head.
Looking forward to next clues and we shall endeavour to keep it family appropriate.
10 years ago
This is not the only house based in and inspired by Brittany, but it is the only one that uses Breton names for some of its fragrances.

Recently, however, this house has ventured beyond Brittany for inspiration; one fragrance in particular invokes (and perhaps evokes) both India and Morocco.
10 years ago
My first thought was Divine for the house, but nothing jumps out there...
10 years ago
10 years ago

That's the house, but what's the fragrance?
10 years ago
To follow from Cryptic's correct naming of the house, it would be No. 1 - Jasmin du Tamil Nadu & Mimosa du Khémisset.
10 years ago

That's the house, but what's the fragrance?

Whoops! Sorry. Embarassed
10 years ago
That's it, Scarletting!

You set her up nicely, Cryptic!

Scarletting, it's now your turn.
10 years ago
Naw, Cryptic did the lion's share of that... besides, I have no clues stored up!
10 years ago
Naw, Cryptic did the lion's share of that... besides, I have no clues stored up!

If Cryptic declines, too, then I am going to choose a "volunteer"!
10 years ago
Scarletting, you can have my turn some other time if you want it.

Three perfumes, one house:

1. A quote that's commonly attributed to a French Queen

2. This describes any piece from "The Art of Fugue"

3. When the moon is in the seventh house
10 years ago
"Let Them Eat Cake" and "Age of Aquarius". I'd look for the third but I have to bolt!

Edit: "Song in D Minor".
10 years ago
Nice job!
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