Open Threads only
EXILED! The stories from Defected Fragrantican Members
by Arcenciel | Parfumo Community
...DogiCocoNo worries, it's all good 🤗 There actually is a way to vote on individual notes on here! You click on the note on the site of a perfume and a little window were you can rate the note pops up. On some perfume sites you will notice that the font of some notes is larger or smaller, that's because of the votes.So yeah, this is one of the few things that I find more intuitive and clear on fragrantica.  The votes on accords is a great feature, very useful for a quick overview.Thank you for pointing that out! Now that I know it's there, I understand what you mean. I like that the image/font is bigger or smaller, compared to the number of votes at the other place. I agree the difference in size of the image/font could be even greater.I really like that not only is the rating for the strength of the note, but whether it's sensed as overall, top, middle, bottom, etc. I don't yet see a way to look at those ratings for that part, beyond the strength of individuals notes. It's all very interesting, though.
11 months ago
EXILED! The stories from Defected Fragrantican Members
by Arcenciel | Parfumo Community
...DogiCocoHaha, I used "dislike" much more sparingly, only for fragrances I really didn't like at all.No matter which system we use, people will always have different ideas of a what a rating means. Therefore I find reviews + statements more helpful than ratings anyways. Still not sure what to do about my own ratings though 🤔 I found them very helpful for a quick first glance. By the way, we can vote for notes on Parfumo, too, and the notes with the highest votings also get bigger, but it's more subtle than on fragrantica. I would like it to be a little more obvious. Maybe as an option to chose from, just like you can hide the note pictures.I agree that reviews and statements are more helpful than rating systems. Although I like that we rate the overall as well as bottle, longevity, etc. That's all very helpful. A fragrance may not be great but may have a beautiful bottle and great longevity, which I find interesting.Do you mean voting on the accords, which at the other place was achieved by rating individual notes? Voting on the actual accords I do find extremely helpful. The various pie charts are wonderful too. If there's a way to rate individual notes, though, I've yet to discover it because I'm still learning the site.Sorry if I misinterpreted anything you said. I'm autistic so I take things literally and miss nuances usually. Parfumo's UI is amazing for organizing and visualizing information in a meaningful way. There's so much that Parfumo has to offer. It's fantastic!
11 months ago
EXILED! The stories from Defected Fragrantican Members
by Arcenciel | Parfumo Community
...DogiCocoA question to all the former fragranticans: Will you transfer your old reviews? I posted a few fresh ones that I had saved on my phone but never put on fragrantica, and I already had to modify them a bit because some of them contained corrections about the wrong notes lists on there 🤣 now I don't plan to dump all my 1000+ old reviews at once into Parfumo, but I'm wondering by which criteria others use to chose what to repost and what to leave in the past.And oh man, over there I always felt like I wrote long-winded, rambling reviews and had to get to the point, but on here I feel like my reviews are almost a bit simple. It makes sense because they have almost no moderation besides the downvoted, so any pointless low quality "This is a masterpiece!!!! Bought it 10 minutes ago and already love it!!! Compliments 10/10" drivel stays up, but I still find it interesting how different I perceive my own writing in a new context. Wild.   I gotta admit that I find it a lot easier to rate on the love/like/ok/dislike/hate system than to give an exact rating for each fragrance. Do you read reviews without a numeric rating or is this weird? I've never been the type who loves to rate everything on a scale. I always feel like it boils down to too many things getting a 7/10.And I miss the big symbols for the voted notes a little, it's easier to see what a fragrance is all about on fragrantica. Maybe parfumo could get an option to show the votes on notes in a more eye-catching, clear way someday?But... I'd rather have small symbols than wrong notes on every other fragrance 😅 (or hate speech, or a Julian Assange banner on a perfume website 🙃) I had almost 100 reviews over there but decided to just delete them. I'm going to write completely new reviews for Parfumo, as the mood takes me. I was at the very beginning of my fragrance journey, so I don't feel those reviews reflect my thoughts much anymore anyway.I'm trying to get used to the differences at Parfumo as well. One thing I miss are the sheer number of reviews for each fragrance but, as you said, the majority of the ones over there were pointless at best. I had to wade through all that to find the relatively few helpful ones. But I hope that all that will come to Parfumo with time - more reviews, that is, while maintaining quality. The quality of reviews here are so much better. I also like the separation between Reviews and Statements. I may end up writing Statements instead of full on Reviews, for most fragrances.Rating by numbers instead of like/dislike etc has been taking some getting used to but, in the end, I like it better. It makes me have to give my ratings proper thought which, again, means higher quality of ratings on Parfumo. Of course it's much easier to choose like/dislike and so forth. But I found that I was just putting everything into dislike anyway if it wasn't something I liked enough to buy.I'm not sure that note ratings over at the other place were necessarily helpful. One thing I do find that I miss is the text from fragrance press releases or whatever they're called. I quite liked those, for some reason, but I'm sure I'll get along without those since they are, after all, just the fragrance house's PR and not much more.Other than that, I haven't found anything else that I'm missing or wish Parfumo had. Although I've only been here for almost a week, so I'm still getting to know and learn Parfumo myself. I very much appreciate the vibe here, comparatively. It's so much more safe, welcoming, and laidback.
11 months ago
EXILED! The stories from Defected Fragrantican Members
by Arcenciel | Parfumo Community
...ControversyI am not new here on Parfumo but left Fragrantica about 3 months ago due to the relentless insults and discriminatory and hateful comments in the articles. And the way E. kept adding salt to the wounds was really disgusting. In my opinion, an editor-in-chief who doesn't even protect her own team of writers is the cause of the exodus within Fragrantica. I also read Patric's article and I felt how much pain and sorrow it caused him that his article, written with care and dedication, was so exploited by hateful comments. Once again it was E. who fanned the fire of demeaning and hateful comments. If this happened in an article that she wrote, you knew in advance that the article would soon be removed.... If even team members/writers/perfumers like John and Miguel stand up for Patric, it must ring a bell by her, right? And... the article was removed when almost only positive reactions were posted by members. I have never been active in the forum & articles, only when I just started (2016) on Fragrantica but I was active on Fragram. Also there's a lot of disrespect going on the last few months. If you can read between the lines you know that Fragrantica /Fragram is not a safe place to to be. English is not my native language so some words/expressions may be misrepresented but I guess you all understand what I meanYou are so right, Controversy.It was apalling seeing E and Z incite and encourage the vitriol against one of their writers. And then for the article to be removed when positive comments outweighed the despicable ones. The positive ones E didn't outright remove anyway.I truly hope that Patric as well as Miguel and John move on to somewhere that appreciates them and their work, like Parfumo. They deserve so much better.
11 months ago
EXILED! The stories from Defected Fragrantican Members
by Arcenciel | Parfumo Community
...BellondeeThank you for the warm welcome! This seems like a place after my heart. I promise that I will not be spreading negativity. I would only engage in politics here if it were to defend someone against bullying and to protect their human rights. With your lovely policy and a useful report button, that shouldn’t be necessary. I hope that I can contribute in a positive way when I get my bearings Same here! I also only want to organize my collections and talk with others about fragrances.Parfumo feels very safe. The community is set up to keep out politics and bullying while also supporting everyone in their fragrance journey. That's all any of us who defected want too, I would hope.The UI is also the best I've ever used on a fragrance site. It really is top tier. I'm so pleased to be here.Thank you, Parfumo community, for making us feel so welcome! ❤️
11 months ago
EXILED! The stories from Defected Fragrantican Members
by Arcenciel | Parfumo Community
...Exciter76I'm so happy to see y'all over here!Thank you! Parfumo is wonderfully welcoming.
11 months ago
EXILED! The stories from Defected Fragrantican Members
by Arcenciel | Parfumo Community
...ModernistaArcencielMeadhbhJust left due to an article about a Pride perfume blowing up with some really awful commentsSame here! (formerly curiouscats) It looks like there are quite a few of us. Hopefully there are many more to come!My comments supporting Patric and other LGBTQ+ folks kept getting deleted by the mods. Yet the despicable vitriol kept getting posted. Unfortunately for Patric, they took down his article sometime this morning.If it wasn't for TranceNdendalist over there mentioning Parfumo in a comment in the Pride article, I would've never known to come here.I'm still in the process of transferring everything over but I already prefer Parfumo's interface. Parfumo seems like a much more welcoming place too. I'm happy to see Non-Binary as a Gender option. AND there's explicit anti-discrimination language in the Community Rules specifically including sexuality and gender.Before the article was removed, there were several more supportive comments, which were then obviously removed, including one I wrote about how it must look, from an employment law perspective, and that I'd quite like to read a managing editor/owner's statement of defence regarding both condoning bullying and abuse as well as indulging in this themselves.  Most oddly, they decided to remove that one!  I have a terrible feeling that Patric was purposely set up or they took the opportunity to "make an example of him". Either way, their behavior was despicable.
11 months ago
EXILED! The stories from Defected Fragrantican Members
by Arcenciel | Parfumo Community
...ModernistaArcencielMeadhbhJust left due to an article about a Pride perfume blowing up with some really awful commentsSame here! (formerly curiouscats) It looks like there are quite a few of us. Hopefully there are many more to come!My comments supporting Patric and other LGBTQ+ folks kept getting deleted by the mods. Yet the despicable vitriol kept getting posted. Unfortunately for Patric, they took down his article sometime this morning.If it wasn't for TranceNdendalist over there mentioning Parfumo in a comment in the Pride article, I would've never known to come here.I'm still in the process of transferring everything over but I already prefer Parfumo's interface. Parfumo seems like a much more welcoming place too. I'm happy to see Non-Binary as a Gender option. AND there's explicit anti-discrimination language in the Community Rules specifically including sexuality and gender.Before the article was removed, there were several more supportive comments, which were then obviously removed, including one I wrote about how it must look, from an employment law perspective, and that I'd quite like to read a managing editor/owner's statement of defence regarding both condoning bullying and abuse as well as indulging in this themselves.  Most oddly, they decided to remove that one!  Not surprised the mods were deleting all the supportive comments. And good for you, Modernista! I really feel awful for Patric and other writers/contributors who experience(d) similar. I hope they all move on somewhere else that appreciates their work. His article was gorgeous and very well written. He didn't deserve any of that.
11 months ago
EXILED! The stories from Defected Fragrantican Members
by Arcenciel | Parfumo Community
...MeadhbhJust left due to an article about a Pride perfume blowing up with some really awful commentsSame here! (formerly curiouscats) It looks like there are quite a few of us. Hopefully there are many more to come!My comments supporting Patric and other LGBTQ+ folks kept getting deleted by the mods. Yet the despicable vitriol kept getting posted. Unfortunately for Patric, they took down his article sometime this morning.If it wasn't for TranceNdendalist over there mentioning Parfumo in a comment in the Pride article, I would've never known to come here.I'm still in the process of transferring everything over but I already prefer Parfumo's interface. Parfumo seems like a much more welcoming place too. I'm happy to see Non-Binary as a Gender option. AND there's explicit anti-discrimination language in the Community Rules specifically including sexuality and gender.
11 months ago