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Fragrance houses you can't get into?
by Diffusekris | Perfume Discussions
...Lancome, to me they all smell bland and have a strong chemical  note that never leaves.
9 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Diffusekris | Parfumo Community
...TommieBootjeDiffusekrisHello everyone! Im a 27 year old fragrance collector from Norway. I sometimes host perfume parties for my friends, which give me an excuse to obsessedly talk about fragrances. My goal with my collection is to have a fragrance for every occasion and every emotion, I like a bit of everything :) Welcome Diffusekris! Perfume parties sound so much fun, sadly my closest friends aren't into perfumes, so I'd have to look for new ones to hold these sorts of parties with. I built my collection the same way, making sure I have something for every occasion and every emotion. Your collection is very nice by the way, there are some perfumes in there that I haven't gotten my nose on yet.To be fair I think mine are getting tired of me mentioning perfumes at any opportunity😂
9 months ago
Say hello and/or introduce yourself (if you like)
by Diffusekris | Parfumo Community
...Hello everyone! Im a 27 year old fragrance collector from Norway. I sometimes host perfume parties for my friends, which give me an excuse to obsessedly talk about fragrances. My goal with my collection is to have a fragrance for every occasion and every emotion, I like a bit of everything :) 
9 months ago