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The messy of Mainstream/Niche and the Retro of Vintage frags
by Lavender123 | Perfume Discussions
...The IFRA regulations have become a kind of conspiracy theory of the fragrance community. "They" want to destroy "us". Why would they want to do that? "Just because they're evil."Regulations are necessary in our modern and highly developed world. Of course regulations are constraining to an extent, but we want to achieve a healthy balance between the creator's freedom, the businessman's profit, and the benefit and safety of the consumer. Would you want a car manufacturer to have unlimited creative freedoms? Or would you rather that he followed the rules of health and safety? Perfumers are already exempt from full disclosure of ingredients, which I'm not comfortable with. Without regulations, creative freedom quickly gets swallowed by the freedom to make as much money as possible.
7 months ago