Open Threads only
Selling on Souk - finished sale
by ScentStudio | Parfumo Community
...DogiCocoParfumo is a German site and has a German language version which is a lot more active than the English one. Therefore there are mostly German offers on the Souk. There is a small globe symbol above the offers where you can chose to only show offers from some specific countries. Thank you so much! That explains a whole lot! I also got "thanks" in German on my wall and I got so confused 😄
6 months ago
Selling on Souk - finished sale
by ScentStudio | Parfumo Community
...Exciter76Hey!  Thank you guys for having this discussion regarding the souk.  I've tried swapping using the souk function but there weren't enough Americans to make a deal.  I'm learning with you guys! 😁Oh I feel for you!!! Shipping must be so expensive!Whenever I get contacted by someone about a perfume or if I am interested in buying one, the person is always German - I don't know if Parfumo is German or just the preferred platform in DE. I used to use Fragrantica, but there's been some issues with them and in all honesty, when you first understand the language of Parfumo and the functions... it is MUCH better than Fragrantica! 🥰But welcome, Exciter76!
6 months ago
Selling on Souk - finished sale
by ScentStudio | Parfumo Community
...DogiCocoScentStudioHello!I just sold my first fragrance via the Souk ☺️I was about to delete the perfume, but I see some just change the price expectation to "SOLD" or something like that.Is that recommended? I find it a bit misleading if I'm looking for a fragrance - because it appears on the Souk entries on the perfume, but it's not available for purchase anymore.What's the custom here?Best! 🥰Many users put in "Sold" when they sold the fragrance, but the deal isn't completed. They will usually delete the whole offer after it has arrived at the other party. I think that's okay, but it's annoying when people forget to delete it and leave it up for weeks or months even though the fragrance is long gone. Ah! Thank you - that does make sense 😊
6 months ago
Selling on Souk - finished sale
by ScentStudio | Parfumo Community
...Hi Aymzzz!The Souk will only be available to you if you've been active on Parfumo for a while. I see that you are a new user!You have to write reviews, interact with other users and such, then you will have the Souk 😊I review a lot of perfumes, so the Souk "opened up" quite quickly - good luck!
6 months ago
Selling on Souk - finished sale
by ScentStudio | Parfumo Community
...Hello!I just sold my first fragrance via the Souk ☺️I was about to delete the perfume, but I see some just change the price expectation to "SOLD" or something like that.Is that recommended? I find it a bit misleading if I'm looking for a fragrance - because it appears on the Souk entries on the perfume, but it's not available for purchase anymore.What's the custom here?Best! 🥰
7 months ago
(Fairly) New to Parfumo
by ScentStudio | Parfumo Community
...KuraiHi and welcome to Parfumo!You are right, there are many features and it takes a while to explore them all. Personally, I like the advisor feature to track and plan my scent of the day. And the advanced search function helps finding new perfumes based on specific notes, perfumer and other criteria.Feel free to reach out and ask questions! Enjoy your time here ✌Thank you so much, Kurai!I saw that feature, but I don't have that many perfumes (yet), so I have an easy time picking which to wear 😀It's always based on the weather first, then mood, then how I wanna feel.
7 months ago
(Fairly) New to Parfumo
by ScentStudio | Parfumo Community
...SopelkaHi! I just moved here a few weeks ago, too, and find this place to be fascinating! I have not yet explored all the features, there are so many! I love that you can follow members here and build relationships. I feel much more welcomed here and hope you do too!I really love how much you can interact with other members! I missed that at the other space - it was so static and non-interactive 😔
7 months ago
(Fairly) New to Parfumo
by ScentStudio | Parfumo Community
...SalahharakeHi ScentStudio! Welcome on board, it's good to have you among us fragrance enthusiasts.Rewards are basically the equivalent of a 'like' or 'thumbs up' button, but exclusive to Parfumo:) Therefore, expect to receive 'rewards' from other Parfumo friends who think your reivew and/or statement is an interesting one, or benefitted them in any way. As for the Souk, it's a beneficial way to trade fragrances assuming you trust the other person, and think they're a reliable source to buy from. Hope I was of any help to you; I wish you a wonderful time here. Thank you so much! Good to know 😊And as for the Souk - that's going to be difficult to know, but I'll give it a try if it feels right.
7 months ago
(Fairly) New to Parfumo
by ScentStudio | Parfumo Community
...Hi!I used to use another perfume database, but I'm slowly moving over to Parfumo ☺️There are some functions that I don't understand, but I'm getting the hang of things otherwise.I get notifications of "rewards" on my reviews - what does that mean? Is it just a like, is it from another user, from an administrator? What is a reward?I understand you have to be fairly active here to be able to sell on the Souk, right? How is it selling/buying here? Good experiences?ATM that's all my questions I remember 😄
7 months ago